regexp_replace(), translate(), and overlay() functions can be used to replace values in PySpark Dataframes.
First we load the important libraries
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql.functions import (col, regexp_replace, translate, overlay, when, expr)
# initializing spark session instance
spark = SparkSession.builder.appName('snippets').getOrCreate()
columns = ["Full_Name","Salary", "Last_Name_Pattern", "Last_Name_Replacement"]
data = [('Sam A Smith', '1,000.01', 'Sm', 'Griffi'),
('Alex Wesley Jones', '120,000.89', 'Jo', 'Ba'),
('Steve Paul Jobs', '5,000.90', 'Jo', 'Bo')]
# converting data to rdds
rdd = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(data)
# Then creating a dataframe from our rdd variable
dfFromRDD2 = spark.createDataFrame(rdd).toDF(*columns)
# visualizing current data before manipulation
regex_replace: we will use the regex_replace(col_name, pattern, new_value) to replace character(s) in a string column that match the pattern with the new_value
1) Here we are replacing the characters 'Jo' in the Full_Name with 'Ba'
# here we update the column called 'Full_Name' by replacing some characters in the name that fit the criteria
modified_dfFromRDD2 = dfFromRDD2.withColumn("Full_Name", regexp_replace('Full_Name', 'Jo', 'Ba'))
# visualizing the modified dataframe. We see that only the last two names are updated as those meet our criteria
2) In the above example, we see that only two values (Jones, Jobs) are replaced but not Smith. We can use when function to replace column values conditionally
# Here we update the column called 'Full_Name' by replacing some characters in the name that fit the criteria
# based on the conditions
modified_dfFromRDD3 = dfFromRDD2.withColumn("Full_Name", when(col('Full_Name').endswith('th'),
regexp_replace('Full_Name', 'Smith', 'Griffith'))\
.otherwise(regexp_replace('Full_Name', 'Jo', 'Ba')))
# visualizing the modified dataframe we see how all the column values are updated based on the conditions provided
3) We can also use a regex to replace characters. As an example we are making the decimal digits in the salary column to '00'.
modified_dfFromRDD4 = dfFromRDD2.withColumn("Salary", regexp_replace('Salary', '\\.\d\d$', '.00 \\$'))
# visualizing the modified dataframe, we see how the Salary column is updated
4) Now we will use another regex example to replace varialbe number of characters where the pattern matches regex. Here we replace all lower case characters in the Full_Name column with '--'
# Replace only the lowercase characters in the Full_Name with --
modified_dfFromRDD5 = dfFromRDD2.withColumn("Full_Name", regexp_replace('Full_Name', '[a-z]+', '--'))
# visualizing the modified data frame. We see that all the lowercase characters are replaced.
# The uppercase characters are same as they were before
5) We can also use regex_replace with expr to replace a column's value with a match pattern from a second column with the values from third column i.e 'regexp_replace(col1, col2, col3)'. Here we are going to replace the characters in column 1, that match the pattern in column 2 with characters from column 3.
# Here we update the column called 'Full_Name' by replacing some characters in the 'Full_Name' that match the values
# in 'Last_Name_Pattern' with characters in 'Last_Name_Replacement'
modified_dfFromRDD6 = modified_dfFromRDD2.withColumn("Full_Name",
expr("regexp_replace(Full_Name, Last_Name_Pattern, Last_Name_Replacement)"))
# visualizing the modified dataframe.
# The Full_Name column has been updated with some characters from Last_Name_Replacement
# here we update the column called 'Full_Name' by replacing the lowercase characters in the following way:
# each 'a' is replaced by 0, 'b' by 1, 'c' by 2, .....'i' by 8 and j by 9
alphabets = 'abcdefjhij'
digits = '0123456789'
modified_dfFromRDD7 = dfFromRDD2.withColumn("Full_Name", translate('Full_Name', alphabets, digits))
# visualizing the modified dataframe we see the replacements has been done character by character
overlay(src_col, replace_col, src_start_pos, src_char_len <default -1>): This function is used to replace the values in a src_col column from src_start_pos with values from replace_col. This replacement starts from src_start_pos and replaces src_char_len characters (by default replaces replace_col length characters)
# Here the first two characters are replaced by the replacement string in Last_Name_Replacement column
modified_dfFromRDD8 ='Full_Name', overlay("Full_Name", "Last_Name_Replacement", 1, 2).alias("FullName_Overlayed"))
# Visualizing the modified dataframe
# Here we replace characters starting from position 5 (1-indexed) and replace characters equal to the
# length of the replacement string
modified_dfFromRDD9 ='Full_Name', overlay("Full_Name", "Last_Name_Replacement", 5).alias("FullName_Overlayed"))
# Visualizing the modified dataframe