How To Install Python3 and Jupyter Notebook On Windows 7 and 10

In this post, I will show you how to install Python3, Pip3 and Jupyter Notebook on Windows.

How To Install Python3 on Windows

Go to url and download Python as shown below.

Double click on Python exe file, this will open an installation GUI as shown below and then click "Install Now". Choose option "Add Python3.9 to Path" also.

If you have not chosen option "Add Python 3.9 to Path", we need to add Python installation directory to Windows environment Path. Follow this tutorial...

Now bring up the Windows "cmd" terminal program and type "Python" and hit "Enter" as shown below and you should see Python shell started as shown below.

To get out of the shell type exit() and hit "Enter"

How To Install Pip3 On Windows

Pip3 is installed by default by Python3 installation. But to access pip from Windows "cmd" prompt, We need to add Pip3 to Windows environment path. Go to your Python3 installation directory and double click on "Scripts directory" as shown below.

You should see Pip3 in the scripts directory. Add Scripts directory path to Windows environment variables as we did above for Python. For reference, I added following path to the "Windows path" system environment variable.


Now get out of your Windows "command prompt" program and bring up the "cmd" program again.

If you do pip -help, you should see help menu of pip.

pip -help

How To Install Jupyter On Windows

Once you have pip installed, we can easily install Jupyter using below command.

pip install jupyter

Ok let us start the Jupyter notebook now. Run following command.

jupyter notebook

You should see following on your "cmd" screen. You might be prompted by Windows about how you want to open the "Jupyter notebook". You can choose your favorite internet browser. If not prompted, open up the internet browser such as "Chrome" or "Internet explorer" and paste the URL "http://localhost:8888..." from your "command prompt".

In your browser, you should see Jupyter notebook started as shown in the snapshot below.

That's it for this post.