There are two ways to write comments (docstring) in Python...
- # Single line comments - prpend any line with hash to write a comment
- """ Multiple line comments - add three tipple quotes to start and """ three tripple quotes to end the comment
To write single line comments in Python use literal '#'.
#Multiply two numbers
There is no space required between # and your comment but for clarity it is good to have space after #.
# Multiply two numbers
Comments don't require indentation in Python
def mult(a,b):
# Multiply two numbers
One way to comment out multiple lines in Python is to add '#' in front of every line as shown below.
#Example below function takes two arguments and
#Returns the result
def mult(a,b):
More preferred is to use tripple quotes before and after the comment as shown below.
Example below function takes two arguments and
Returns the result
def mult(a,b):
Note - we can also use above method for single line comments.
""" Example below function takes two arguments and Returns the result """
def mult(a,b):
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