How to Install Google Chrome on Ubuntu using Command Line

If you're an Ubuntu user and prefer using the command line over GUI-based software installations, you can easily install Google Chrome using a few simple steps. Here's how:

Use the "wget" command to download the .deb file for Google Chrome. Enter the following command in the terminal:


This will download the latest stable version of Google Chrome for Ubuntu.

Once the download is complete, use the "dpkg" command to install the downloaded .deb file. Enter the following command in the terminal:

sudo dpkg -i google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb

This will install Google Chrome on your Ubuntu system.

If there are any unmet dependencies, run the following command in the terminal to resolve them:

sudo apt-get install -f

This will ensure that all the required dependencies for Google Chrome are installed.

Finally, launch Google Chrome by entering the following command in the terminal:


This will open Google Chrome on your Ubuntu system and you're all set to browse the web.